
Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Assignment 1 - Terminator:Genisys Poster and the QR code

This is the final poster that we produce for the upcoming Terminator:Genisys movie . we also provide the QR code on the poster.

The poster

This is the QR code that we use


Monday, 13 April 2015

Change the Colour of the Car with Photoshop.

With Photoshop you can also change the colour of your car or anything thing you want. the tools that we will use is 
1) Magic wand tool.
2) Adjustment layer (hue/saturation)

first, open the picture of Red Ferrari car in Photoshop.

Then, unlock the layer on the layer tab (just click twice on the layer and it will unlock).

After that, choose Magic wand tools to select the area that we want to colour in.

magic wand tool

if you are using the magic wand tools make sure to adjust the tolerance to make sure you get better result
tolerance amount can only be 0 - 255
and I use 30 tolerance so it will not select other part of the image.

Then, after you used the magic wand tool ,
go to layer at the top and find New Adjustment Layer then click on the hue/saturation.

after you click it you will get the hue/saturation adjustment tab at the right.
change it to whatever colour you want and its done.

Adjust the Hue:

example of the changed car colour :

And that's it.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Chapter 4 - Making & Manipulating Selections.

Marquee tools -

There is 4 marquee tool in the Adobe Photoshop which is:
1 - Rectangular Marquee tool for make a rectangle selections.
2 - Elliptical Marquee tool for make a circle selections.
3 - Single Row Marquee tool for make only one row of selection. (-----row------)
4 - Single Column Marquee tool for make a one column selection
            | (column)

Lasso tools

There is 3 lasso tool in Adobe Photoshop which is; 
1- Lasso tool - free hand selection but must connect the point to the point.
2 - Polygonal lasso tool - a polygon selection tool must have more than two surface in order to                connect the point (for example triangle have 3 surface , hexagon 6 surfaces.)  
3 - Magnetic lasso tool - tracks the edges of an object by clicking the object edges.

Transforming Selections -

1. Scale - change size of selection
2. Rotate - Spin selection
3. Skew/Distort - stretch and pull selection
4. Perspective - simulates object meet at horizontal line
5. Flipping - turn selection horizontal to vertical axis.

Return/Enter key to commit selections
Esc to remove transformation.

Saving and load with Alpha Channels
save a image so you can load back the same image in other tabs.

Select > save selection
save as alpha channels

Also contain specific image data;
black and white - one colour channel
RGB - 4 colour channel
CYMK - 5 colour channel.


(Adobe Photoshop) Multimedia Authoring Tutorial 1

Making and Manipulating Selections.

In this section we are going to use the tools in the Adobe Photoshop. We are going to compile this images in one layer and make it one picture with a background that filled with gradients. So we are going to use the Transformers character! Enjoy.

The tools that we can  use to do this image is by using;
1) Marquee tools
2)Lasso tools
3) Transforming tools
4)Magic wand tools

Below is the procedure :-

First, Open the Adobe Photoshop and open the images of  Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Sideswipe. File > Open

secondly, at the layer panel, unlock the layers by double-clicking it. 

After double-clicking...

Thirdly, Choose the Magic wand tool for delete the background(white) because we only need is the character.

Next, using the Magic wand tool click the white background to select the white colour area and after clicked and some of the white area will not selected and the solution is just press the SHIFT key (add to selection). this only work after made a new selection.

After selected just press delete and you will just have the character as a layer.

If you have a background like a pixelated image that's means your background is transparent so you can copy and paste the image to a new project.

Do this same method to all of the character and you will have the result like this - 

So , for the background you can use Gradients tool to make it. make sure you choose the background layer, and click at the gradient tool icon. that will be at the left side.

And you also choose your background colour as you like.

just double click or just click at this icon at the left-up of the adobe.

After you choose the colour just drag the mouse from one point to one point to get the gradient.


This how it's look.